Weddings are beautiful and they can be very emotional for the guests and most especially the couple. With the whirlwind of activity happening during the ceremony and all the people involved, it’s no surprise that this life-changing event can leave you feeling anxious.   Even if you’ve planned your special day moths in advance it’s normal to feel nervous but your wedding day jitters shouldn’t make you lose sight of how beautiful this special moment is. Here are some effective ways to handle those jitters:   Communicate with Your Partner Remember that your wedding day is a celebration of your love and togetherness. That said, always keep your partner on the loop about your concerns and whatever emotions you are feeling. Brides usually go on organizer mode and leave out the groom on the preparations. You two should be working closely together like a team to navigate any prickly situations so make sure you consistently talk to one another throughout the planning phase.   Prior to the wedding ceremony, make sure you and your husband-to-be or wife-to-be set aside time to genuinely connect and talk not just about the wedding but all the small and joyful things that brought you together in your journey of love. These simple moments will not only ease your nerves but also remind you of the wonderful reasons why you decided to to get hitched.   Work with a Team You and your partner aren’t the only people who make the wedding special. You also have family and friends who are excited to be part of your celebration of love. Keep a circle of close friends and family who can be your support group throughout the wedding, from the planning to the after-care. You don’t have to go through this life-changing episode on your own. Your support group will not just be there for you at the fun after-parties but also the emotional-side of the whole affair.   Reach out to your circle if you need help with errands like shopping for groomsmen gifts or sending out invitations or even if you just need someone to talk to. These special people will be glad to help you out during this important time in your life.   Distribute Entertaining Duties Weddings involve a lot of social interactions especially if you plan to throw a big ceremony with a lot of guests. All the entertaining could leave couples exhausted especially brides and grooms who are introverts. That said, you could choose to distribute your entertaining duties. Make sure to communicate your needs to your partner and support group so you can strategically share your entertaining duties. For example, you could ask your best man or someone from the entourage to entertain guests in the time between the ceremony and reception so you have an opportunity recharge your social batteries.   Embrace Your Emotions The most important thing to remember is that emotions are natural and you will most definitely feel them during big, life-changing events like weddings. Remember that your wedding is all about you so don’t stop yourself from feeling all the wonderful emotions that come with the occasion. When you repress your emotions you will only feel more anxious and distracted, you might end up forgetting which hand does the wedding ring go on. So cry when you are overwhelmed and laugh out loud when the fun starts. It helps to prepare for all the emotional hullabaloo by wearing waterproof makeup, too.