Love is often found in the strangest of places

Photo: juan mendez / CC0
It’s often said that the harder you look for love, the more elusive it becomes. Those in the know claim that the best way to find it is by not looking at all, because that way it will find you when you least expect it. Which is a great way of looking at it if you’re already happily in a relationship. But, when you’ve been single for eons, then taking the bull by the horns and seeking love out can often feel like the only way to find true happiness. So, for those who are actively looking for inspiration on where to find their ideal partner so that they can start planning their dream wedding, check out this guide for places to look. You might just find your perfect date in the strangest place!

Take a holiday

Going on holiday might seem like an extravagant way to find love, but it can often be the catalyst needed to meet the partner of your dreams. Travelling alone is not only a huge confidence booster but it also leads to conversations you may not have had if you were travelling with other people. If you’re not ready to travel solo just yet, there are plenty of singles holidays designed to help you meet someone while you’re exploring paradise.

Follow your heart

If you have a keen interest in something already, then it’s time to put it to good use! Whether you love collecting things, taking part in sports, being creative or helping people, there are groups and clubs designed to help you meet other people who love doing the same thing. When you are enjoying yourself, it makes it so much easier to connect with people. Take professional poker players Randy Lew and Celina Lin for example. They are living proof that you can find love at the most unexpected places, even at the poker table! Look for local meets centered around your interest and if there isn’t one, set one up! The worst that can happen is that you make some friends.   

Back to school

If you haven’t quite found something that you’re interested in yet, then don’t worry! There are plenty of ways that you can discover your passion in life. Start by making a list of all the things that make you happy then look for ways that you can study those things. For example, if you love wine and cheese sign up for cooking or French lessons or it you love being creative attend a night class on writing or painting. If you love to relax, check out local massage courses or join a class to learn the art of meditation. Once you have started exploring what it is that makes you tick you might find that it leads on to other interests, as well as meeting people along the way.
  Photo: / CC0

Doing something you both love is a great way to connect

Take the dog out

Believe it or not, walking the dog can lead to romance! From walking your own pooch to volunteering to walk your elderly neighbor’s dog, getting out and about can lead to bumping into your one and only. Davina McCall is an example of how taking the dog out can lend up in long term love and marriage as she met her husband while they were both out on a dog walk.

Get online more

Dating sites seem like the most obvious place to start when looking for love online but there are also other places you can get yourself noticed. For example, engaging in Facebook groups on subjects that interest you is a great way to connect with others online, while posting about your life on Instagram might just gain you a connection with the person of your dreams. However you chose to find love, remember that there are plenty of awesome things about being single. Sure, it can get lonely from time to time but you get to do whatever you want, whenever you want, which is something many people in relationships miss! So, enjoy your time being single, after all, it’s about the journey not the destination!