Vibrant and Serene Lakeside Wedding in Texas
I absolutely loved creating the design of this Styled Editorial! It was inspired by the Blue Willow patterned china that or family has used for years. The ornate chinoiserie design is based on an ancient romantic fable. I remember my grandmother telling me the story surrounding the lovely pattern. The blue lines detail the story of a powerful Mandarin who had a beautiful daughter. She had fallen in love with her fathers humble assistant. This angered her father who had arranged for her to marry a wealthy Duke. The Duke arrived by boat to claim his bride, bearing a box of jewels. The night before the wedding, the two lovers took the box of jewels and escaped on the Duke's boat to a distant land where they lived happily for years. But one day the Duke learned of their refuge. Hungry for revenge, he sent soldiers to capture the lovers and put them to death. The gods were so moved by their plight that they transformed the lovers into a pair of doves, proving that love always finds a way.
When creating this design, I incorporated many elements from the story into the design itself. This includes the location, colors, and accessories.
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